지구를 위한 당신의 1W 동참조약

1W for Earth

1W for Earth represents a public network of green energy making activities 

tackling the Earth most pressing environmental energy issues.

Ready to make an impact?

Join 1WforEarth

1W for Earth 는 지구 에너지 모금 캠페인 협정조약 입니다. 
일상속의 작은 에너지를 모아 성금을 전달합니다.

1W에 도전합니다. 작은 에너지 협정조약입니다

1. 동참 함으로써, 100인의 기부, 

2. 동참방법 - 


Join the movement

1W for Earth  is a global movement inspiring businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions 

through annual memberships and everyday actions. 

We advise on giving strategies, 

we certify donations and 

we amplify the impact of our network


우리는  1 WATT 의 의미를 

피부로 느끼지 못합니다.

1% for the Planet is on a mission to change that. Our membership model drives critical philanthropic support to address the most urgent environmental issues of our time.  Our network exemplifies the power of collective action as we bring together individuals, businesses and nonprofit organizations around the world to support people and the planet. When we all work together, 1% adds up.

Photo by 1 % for the Planet nonprofit partner: One Tree Planted

지구를 위한, 우리를 위한

1WATT 에너지모금 챌린지

1% for the Planet was founded to prevent greenwashing, certify reputable giving and provide accountability. The 1% for the Planet certification is given to businesses and individuals that meet our high-bar commitment—donate 1% of annual sales or salary to environmental causes. 

Photo by 1 % for the Planet nonprofit partner: Soul Fire Farm

작은 에너지를 모읍니다.

싱글 캠페인에 동참해주세요.

1% for the Planet was founded to prevent greenwashing, certify reputable giving and provide accountability. The 1% for the Planet certification is given to businesses and individuals that meet our high-bar commitment—donate 1% of annual sales or salary to environmental causes. 

Photo by 1 % for the Planet nonprofit partner: Soul Fire Farm


1 신청 후 온라인 초대장이 발부 됩니다. 

We advise our members on nonprofit partnerships and provide personalized giving strategies to ensure the most impact possible. With over 4,000 environmental organizations to choose from, 1% for the Planet members can give to nonprofit partners that support the issues and communities that matter most to them. 

2 에너지를 모아주세요.

We advise our members on nonprofit partnerships and provide personalized giving strategies to ensure the most impact possible. With over 4,000 environmental organizations to choose from, 1% for the Planet members can give to nonprofit partners that support the issues and communities that matter most to them. 

3 모은 에너지를 체크인 담아주세요.

We advise our members on nonprofit partnerships and provide personalized giving strategies to ensure the most impact possible. With over 4,000 environmental organizations to choose from, 1% for the Planet members can give to nonprofit partners that support the issues and communities that matter most to them. 

4 당신의 에너지로 캠페인 동참해 주세요.

Amplify your impactWe advise our members on nonprofit partnerships and provide personalized giving strategies to ensure the most impact possible. With over 4,000 environmental organizations to choose from, 1% for the Planet members can give to nonprofit partners that support the issues and communities that matter most to them. 

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“This is not philanthropy. This should be a cost of doing business.

It’s paying rent for our use of the planet.”

Founder of Patagonia and 1% for the Planet


이타풍등(風燈), 100인의 희망, 바람의 불빛

한강 바람이 희망에너지가 되다! - Collective Green-Energy of Seoul Citizen
페트병, 우산, 음료수캔 등을 자르고, 붙이고, 조립하여 한강바람을 에너지로 모으는 미션에 참여하세요! 
- 시원한 바람, 새로운 한강에너지 축제, 한강에너지몽땅 2021
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당신의 1W를 모아주세요!

2021 서울시 한강몽땅 에너지 모금 축제참가


이타풍등(風燈) 점등식

일시 : 
‘21. 08. 07(토) 19:00 - 20:00
‘21. 08. 07(토) 20:00 - 21:00
‘21. 08. 08(일) 19:00 - 20:00
‘21. 08. 08(일) 20:00 - 21:00

장소 :
여의도 한강공원, 멀티플라자 너른들판 일대
100인 캠페인

일시 : 
‘21. 07. 27(화) 19:00 - 20:30
‘21. 07. 31(토) 14:00 - 15:30

장소 :



Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame친환경 에너지 사용


Future 2040

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Etiam fermen tum nulla ac tinci dunt malesuada. Sed vol utpat semper elit quis.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Etiam fermen tum nulla ac tinci dunt malesuada. Sed vol utpat semper elit quis.




`21 서울특별시 한강몽땅 에너지모금 축제 참가접수안내 >

`21 똑똑한 데이터플로깅 1365 사회공헌 참가접수안내 >

`21 1W FOR EARTH 에너지모금 러닝 참가접수안내  >

`21 똑똑한 데이터플로깅 해피빈 사회공헌 참가접수안내 >

1W for Earth 는 에너지 모금 캠페인 협정조약 입니다. 
일상속의 작은 에너지를 모아 성금을 전달합니다.

1watt 는 지구을 위한 작은에너지 협정조약입니다.